10 Fantastic Car Cleaning Hacks to Keep Your Car Looking Brand New All the Time

No matter how hard you try to keep your car clean, it’s bound to get dirty at one point or another. This is due to dust accumulating or crumbs from those quick meals on the road.

Whether it’s stains, crumbs, dust or anything else that gets your car dirty, this list will help keep your car clean without using the million car cleaning products out there that use nasty chemicals.

Here’s 10 fantastic car cleaning hacks to keep your car looking brand new all the time:

1. Natural Carpet Cleaner Made With Vinegar And Baking Soda

Get rid of those dark, dirty and muddy stains on your upholstery mats with this all natural cleaning solution created by The Balance. According to them, you should mix white vinegar and baking soda together to make a paste. With this paste, you can use a scrub brush or toothbrush, then when it’s dry, vacuum it all up!

2. Use A Cheap Foam Brush Or Paint Brush To Dust

Get in all the tight spaces like vents and all around the knobs by using a small bristle or foam paintbrush. To clean it even better, follow the brush with a vacuum to suck up all the dust it leaves behind.

3. Olive Oil To Condition And Polish Leather

Don’t use toxic sprays or wipes to clean your dashboard or leather seats. Instead, use this DIY from Mommy Footprint. All you’ll need is olive oil and a cloth to have that leather looking shiny in no time.

4. Use A Spray Bottle Of Water And Squeegee To Remove Pet Hair

This solution is way better than using a vacuum on your seats. Instead, spray water lightly on your seats to wet them. When they’re wet, use a squeegee like you normally would and you’ll see the pet hair come right off as you drag along.

5. Mason Jar Natural Car Freshener With Baking Soda And Essential Oils

Those regular car fresheners you’d buy from the store often contain toxic materials. Instead of using those ones, make your own using a mason jar! Bloggers Jen and Joey suggest mixing baking soda with essential oils of your choice. Poke holes in the top of the mason jar and you can just leave it in your cup holder or on the floor.

6. Get Streakless Windshield Wipers Using Rubbing Alcohol

Use regular household rubbing alcohol with wipes to wipe down your windshield wipers without smearing and smudging.

Rubbing Alcohol

7. Vinegar And Newspaper For Streak Free Windows

Fill up a spray bottle with vinegar and then spray your windows. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe it off with newspaper. It might sound unusual, but it works and leaves your windows streak free.

8. Water And Vinegar For Shiny Chrome Wheels

Same idea as above but for this one, mix a bottle with equal parts water and vinegar. Spray all over your chrome, then wipe it down with any rag for shiny new wheels.

9. Water And Baking Soda For All Natural Wheel Cleaner

Mix water and baking soda to create a cleaning paste. Rub this all over your wheels with a brush and when you’re finished, give it a nice rinse. Your wheels will look like you just rolled out of the auto shop.

10. Organic Car Wash Solution With Castille Soap

Don’t go out and pay for a car wash that will leave your car in nasty chemicals. Wash your car yourself with the all natural liquid castille soap (which uses plant oils). Mix this with a bucket of water, lather, wash, rinse and you’re ready to hit the road.


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Rubbing Alcohol
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