Little Boy Approaches Police Officer at Local Diner, Hands Him His Receipt Already Paid For

Nine-year-old, Noah, isn’t like your other typical nine-year-olds. You see, while other kids are out wanting to be superheroes from their favorite movies or shows, Noah wants to be a different type of hero: a police man.

So, when Noah glanced across the restaurant one morning and noticed a police officer from Lakeland, Florida eating his breakfast alone, he decided to go above and beyond for his hero role model.

Instead of just saying hi to Officer Eddie Benitez, Noah decided he would pay for the officer’s meal using birthday money he had been saving up.

His mom, Amanda, managed to flag down a waitress for him to inform her of the plan, and Noah wrote a note on the receipt:

“I want to be you when I grow up. Thank you for your service.”

Officer Benitez was stunned to say the least. He immediately jumped out of his chair and insisted on taking a photo with his young fan.

He couldn’t believe what the receipt read. It was so touching, Officer Benitez now carries the receipt with him in his pocket every day.

But it wasn’t just Officer Benitez that was impressed, the whole Lakeland Police Department was impressed by Noah’s generosity that they decided to share it to their Facebook page for everybody to see.

THIS Made our Day! Let’s see how far we can share Noah’s GOOD DEED!

At Denny’s this morning, young Noah asked his mom…

Posted by LakelandPD on Thursday, April 27, 2017

Watch the entire news report about the deed in the video below:


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