Police Warns People at Gas Stations About Frightening Crime Technique Called “Sliding”

The term “sliders” is more commonly used for delicious, tiny hamburgers, but lately, the term has now taken on another sinister meaning – thieves.

This criminal trend surfaced in 2013 and since then, police have repeatedly warned people about this disturbingly easy-to-pull off crime.

It starts off with you pulling up your car to a gas station to fill your tank.

As you’re preoccupied with pumping gas or when you’re going inside to pay, another car will pull up (appearing to be at the next gas pump).

Then a person will open the door and crouch down low, appearing to “slide” over to open your unlocked door and snatch your personal belongings: purses, smartphones, and other small items.

While “sliding” isn’t a special class of crime, it’s another technique used by sneaky thieves.

So while you don’t have to necessarily worry about “sliders” coming in to your town, you can protect yourself from thieves “sliding” by locking your doors before filling up gas or even paying more attention to your surroundings.

With simple precaution, you can beat this criminal tactic and protect your belongings.

Watch the news report below for more information on “sliding”:


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