Boy Pleads for Bullying to End in Heartbreaking Video, Then Celebrities Respond

Dealing with bullies can be absolutely awful, but it always helps to know there are people who have your back.
Keaton Jones is a boy from Knoxville, Tennessee who is forced to deal with bullies every day. Recently, his mom had to pick him up early because the bullying wouldn’t stop. When he got in the car, he tearfully asked her why people bullied—and she caught his powerful words on camera.
“They make fun of my nose. They call me ugly. They say I have no friends,” he said. After talking about how the bullies torment him every day, he ends the video by saying it will probably get better some day.
His viral message struck a chord with many people—including celebrities.
Stay strong, Keaton. Don’t let them make you turn cold. I promise it gets better. While those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how would you and your mom like to come to the Avengers premiere in LA next year?
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) December 10, 2017
Little buddy, I was bullied when I was a kid. You are right #ItGetsBetter! You are my own personal super hero. Protect Yo Heart. You got a pal in the Hulk.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) December 10, 2017
Keaton-Don't waste time wondering why a bully would be so mean-They're sad people who think hurting others will make them feel better because they really don't like themselves-They're just jealous because you're so smart & handsome
Your friend-mh
— @HamillHimself (@HamillHimself) December 10, 2017
I #StandwithKeaton. Keaton baby, just know you’re not alone. There are so many people who come out of bullying so much stronger and you will be one of them!! God bless you sweetheart.
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 11, 2017
Oh sweet boy. We see you. You are not alone.
— Idina Menzel (@idinamenzel) December 10, 2017
Hopefully Keaton will see these messages and know he has friends and supporters all over the world! Stay strong, little man.
Watch Keaton’s full powerful video down below.