Their Boxer Pup Is Acting Strange Staring at Window, Family Takes a Closer Look and Understands Why

When it comes to dogs, they have an incredible sensitivity to danger and an amazing ability to sense it. So when this boxer caught a glimpse of what he thought was dangerous, he immediately reacted to it and began to stare it down.

He had never seen what this was before, so he wasn’t sure what to do about it. His owner began to film his unusual behavior when he noticed the boxer staring at his window.

The young dog decided to step in to take a closer look, but upon a better inspection, he jumped back instantly in surprise when it fell off. As soon as his owner realized that this “dangerous” object her pup was fussing over was a feather, she couldn’t help giggling about it.

What seemed so dangerous to the boxer was possibly the most harmless thing ever.

It just goes to show that sometimes, the scariest and most intimidating of things just need to be confronted straight up. Soon enough, you’ll understand just like this boxer that maybe it wasn’t as scary as it seemed at first.

Watch the boxer’s confrontation with this “dangerous” feather in the video below:


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