Bus Driver Saves 5 Year Old After Found Choking on a Penny

It’s not everyday we see heroes in our everyday lives but in some cases, ordinary people are willing to step up and take the role.

A bus driver instinctively saved the life of a 5 year old child when he found himself choking on a penny.

The driver of the bus quickly turned around after hearing some odd noises to find the child at a lost of breath. Not knowing the entire situation, she immediately put the vehicle to a halt and anxiously ran to help him seeing if he needed help.

As she raced to the little boy, she had noticed something lodged in his throat and instinctively knew she had to step up.

The driver was able to force the boy to spit out the penny and he was able to breath again, no longer being a life and death situation.

Watch for yourself to see that heroic acts still exist.


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