Children’s Hospital Patient Uses T-Shirt Cannon to Surprise Minnesota Kicker with Scholarship

Justin Juenemann is a kicker on the Minnesota Gophers football team. And despite not being a star player and yet to even play a game, Juenemann received the shock of his life one day when a Children’s Hospital patient unexpectedly shot a t-shirt cannon at him.

When asked who the patient, Kyle’s, favorite player was, Kyle responded with Juenemann. He explained that out of all the players in the team Juenemann was the one that visited him at the hospital the most.

Coach Fleck asked Kyle to use his t-shirt cannon to reward Juennemann with a shirt for being a great representative of the community.

“I’ve never seen anybody serve and give more than that guy; who is not a star player, who hasn’t played. Where his face is recognizable,” Fleck said in the video.

“He could easily just not do it and nobody would ever say anything and all he does is continue to keep his oar in the water; live that holistic life academically, athletically, socially and spiritually.”

But, when Justin opened the t-shirt up, there was writing on it that he never would have expected.

It turns out, Justin earned more than just a white t-shirt. When opening it up to read, the t-shirt read: “Justin, congratulations on earning a scholarship!”

The team cheered for Justin and lifted him up to celebrate his well-deserved award. Justin had a fantastic FaceTime call with his mom afterwards to further spread the joyful news.

What a great job Justin did and an even greater thing Minnesota did for Justin. Congratulations.

Watch more of his story in the video below:


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