Crystal Explorer – A Transparent Kayak That Lets You Observe the Underwater World

The Crystal Explorer by The Crystal Kayak Company is a totally crystal-clear kayak that will let you see the underwater world below you!

It is lightweight and very durable thanks to its solid polycarbonate design. With its anodized aluminum frame, it weighs only 45 pounds while comfortably holding up to 425 pounds.

And thanks to its built-in UV protection and easy-to-clean surface, the Crystal Explorer will remain as smooth and clear as the day you bought it.

Each Crystal Explorer comes with two seats and two sets of paddles, but can easily be converted for solo use. Its removable frame, seats and inflatable chambers allow for easy stacking, storage and transportation.

Available Here.

Where To Buy

Crystal Explorer – Transparent Kayak
1 or 2-Person Design

