Curious Deer Catches a Face full of Air After Sniffing at a Leaf Blower

Doe! A deer! A female deer!

Well, actually this deer is male and his name is Bucky. Bucky is a deer that wanders his neighbourhood freely – he is not lost and he is not being held captive. In fact, he is a welcome part of his community.

Recently, Bucky was walking around when he found a leaf blower on the ground. Curious, he began to sniff at it. The man using the leaf blower decided to tease the poor buck and blew it in his face. Contrary to what you might expect, Bucky the buck was absolutely thrilled. I suppose it’s the only way he can feel the wind through his hair without hitching a ride in an open-air jeep.

Check out Bucky’s hilarious encounter with the leaf blower below!

Leaf blower deer!

Posted by Central Texas Bowhunter, CTB on Friday, 2 September 2016


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