Customers Ignore Teens Bullying Boy Until Burger King Gives Them The Same Treatment

What would you do if you saw a bully? Would you stand up for the victim or do you turn a blind eye?

Burger King decided to create a video showing the number of people that would confront a bully versus a number of people that confront the cashier after their burger was ‘bullied’.

In an effort to make people reconsider their priorities and encourage a safe space for everyone, they set up a social experiment in one of their restaurants.

A group of boys was to pick on one of them teasing and messing with their food; a classic take on what bullying looks like.

It was clear to see from the expressions of the customers that they were horrified as to what was going on but hardly did anything about it.

The tables were then turned when customers opened their burger that was ‘bullied’ into a pile a mash, and were quick to confront the manager and demand the reason behind it.

The results to the way customers’ responded to the ‘bullied’ food and the actual bullying are very telling.

Check out the video and see for yourself!


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