Doctors Teach Simple Life Hack to Keep Band-Aids from Falling Off of Your Skin

Whether it was you who needed a bandage to cover up your cut or your little one got into a little accident, there’s no doubt you’ve used band-aids at one point or another in your life.
Here’s one thing we can agree on: they just don’t stick. Even if the box says they are waterproof and will last, band-aids end up slipping off in the shower or even just slipping off randomly at times.
The most frustrating (yet probably most often) place to have a cut on is your finger. The reason why it’s so frustrating is that we use our hands for practically everything. With just moderate amounts of activity after putting on your bandage, it tends to slip off.
There’s got to be a better way.
Health experts on the show “The Doctors” are here to do exactly that: show you a better way. Using simply a pair of scissors and a certain way of placing the band-aid, the doctors show you an amazing trick to have your bandages never fall off again.
Check out their trick in the video below:
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