FlowMotion ONE: Shoot Your Videos Without Any Shaky Footage
If you hate shaky video footage, the FlowMotion ONE is perfect for you! It’s designed to make your videos look like professional cinematography.
It lets you have cinematic camera movements and sophisticated 3D stabilization—your home movies will look like an Oscar-winning film! This stabilizer gives you professional results without a professional.
With the advanced AutoFollow technology, you can keep your subject in frame and in focus without worrying about where you’re pointing the camera. All you have to do is select the subject on the screen and the FlowMotion ONE will follow it!
You can also use the FlowMotion ONE to make amazing time lapses! Simply mount it to any tripod, and you can create any motion time lapse—the mount is included in your purchase. You can also use AutoFollow technology to have your own automated camera person.
The lightweight design is easy to carry around with you anywhere you go!
Available Here.
Watch the demo down below!
Where To Buy
FlowMotion ONE