Get Up to a Minute of Audio Tattooed on Your Arm with Soundwave Tattoos

Tattoos are amazing pieces of artwork on their own. Each tattoo tells a story about the person who has it, and they all reveal something deeply personal about that person.

Now, add sound to that.

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The technology started when two people got the opening line from Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” tattooed by tattoo artist Nate Siggard. His girlfriend Juliana remarked, “wouldn’t it be cool if you could listen to the tattoo?”

At that moment, Nate realized he could do that.

After getting the patent for personalized augmented reality tattoos, Nate launched Skin Motion, an app that can make your tattoos sing.

Simply upload or record your audio clip into the app, then purchase the Soundwave Tattoo. After that, you’ll have to get it tattooed on by a certified Skin Motion tattoo artist.

If you want to get your hands on one of the limited tattoo pre-orders prior to the app’s launch in June 2017, sign up for the waiting list here.

Check out the tattoos in action in the video down below!


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