Homeless Man Returned Woman’s $10k Check, So She Surprised Him with a Brand-New House

When someone lends you a helping hand, you never know if you’ll be able to repay them. But thankfully, this lady was able to do just that.
Recently, Dr. Roberta Hoskie, a real estate agent dropped a $10,000 check on the ground while running errands. She was so busy, she didn’t even it notice it fall from her hands.
Luckily, a homeless man named Elmer Alvarez found it and called her later that day to return it.
When they met up to return the check, she realized he truly needed the money. She wrote him a check as a reward, but she didn’t stop there.
This story is proof that there are still good people out in the world.
Watch the full heartwarming story in the video down below!