Husband Abruptly Jumps Out Car on the Way Home to Help Elderly Man Mow His Lawn

In today’s modern age and time, it’s rare to see people respect elders. Children talk back to their parents, teens spend time on their phones and technology, and young adults are too busy with their own lives to spend time out of their day and help an elderly person in need.
Despite many people like this, there are still some out there that go beyond the norm and step in to give our elders a hand.
One of these people is Chris Carter.
During a recent grocery trip home with his family, Chris noticed an old man outside hunched over and pushing a large lawnmower. Instead of just driving by, he turned over to his wife and did this.
His wife, Tara Carter, shared this post on Facebook:
This is one of the many reasons I love my husband. As we are driving home with Kylie and Gage, Chris suddenly turns the…
Posted by Tara Carter on Wednesday, June 28, 2017
It’s actions like these that allow Chris to show his son how important it is to respect and honor our elders.
We need more people like Chris to show the youth and teens of today how to act selflessly.
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