Jessa Duggar Claps Back on Instagram After She’s “Mommy Shamed” for Her Messy Home

These days, moms are expected to do everything perfectly—and if you fall short, you can be sure people will call you out on it.

Jessa Duggar Seewald, one of the Duggar daughters, recently posted a photo on her Instagram showing what her home is really like most of the time.

This is real life, y'all. ?❤ *swipe left to see more pics of my house today in all its shining glory* 1.) 6+ loads of laundry piled on the guest bed… can we just take a moment to celebrate the fact that it's CLEAN laundry. ? 2.) Side table that probably hasn't been dusted in at least 6 months. 3.) Henry's dried spit up on my side of the bed, that I've slept on for who knows how many nights. 4.) Handprints on the mirror, and Spurgeon's beautiful artwork that happened when he found a pen that was left out. 5.) Pile of diapers on the top of my dresser… pretty sure these all collected in the past 12 hours. 6.) Blocks scattered again, not bc Spurgeon was building with them… just bc it's like his favorite thing to dump them out and hear them clang on the hardwood floors. Haha! 7.) Sink full of dishes. 8.) Oil splatters and food particles on the stovetop. Probably has been a few months since it's been wiped down. 9.) Toddler handprint on the fridge door. ? 10.) Dust collection on the front of the HVAC intake…ha! But hey, at least we're replacing the filter every month! ? There's a never ending to-do list. Some of these tasks have been accomplished today, others haven't. (We have guest staying with us over the weekend, so that's a motivation to prioritize the laundry on the guest bed. ?) Some of y'all may be thinking, "C'mon now, it only takes a few min to dust or wipe down a mirror…" I know, it is so. My reminder today has been that the same is true of the needs of the little people in our lives. I might think "I don't have time right now." But it only takes a few min… here and there. A few mins here, spent cuddling a fussy baby. A few mins there, singing lullabies as a toddler drifts off to sleep. 5 mins here, to read a book. 10 min there, engaging in imaginative play. Not trying to pit a clean house against interaction with kids– sometimes both are possible, tho often they do seem in opposition to one another ?. Just remember, whatever projects are pulling at your time and attention today, don't forget to make time for the people around you. These are the memories that will last forever. ??

A post shared by Jessa Seewald (@jessaseewald) on

However, people commented that her home was “messy” and “gross,” shaming her for not only living like that, but sharing it with the world.

But Jessa had something to say about that.

Read the entire post down below!

A post shared by Jessa Seewald (@jessaseewald) on


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