Man Was at Fault When Cop Pulled Him and His Son Over, But Didn’t Expect Officer to Do This for Him

The Colorado State Patrol recently shared a story on their Facebook page about an officer who pulled over a local man with his son in the backseat.

The man was travelling with his son when Officer Eduardo Gomez pulled him over. After learning about his occupation and hearing about his son’s aspirations to be a police officer, Gomez decided to do something out of the ordinary for the duo.

Read what he did below:

We received the below message and picture and (with permission) wanted to share a recent interaction one of our troopers…

Posted by Colorado State Patrol on Wednesday, July 5, 2017

These small, kind gestures by police officers often happen around the country and go unmentioned in the media.

Even though it may be a small act from Officer Gomez, I’m sure this man and his son’s day was made that much better by him.

Thank you officer!

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