Mom Is Dying of Stage 4 Cancer, Ex’s New Wife Sends Her Off to Istanbul to Save Her
When Nicola Hitchen was admitted to the hospital in March with abdominal pain, she has no idea it was just the start of a long journey.
She was initially diagnosed with a pelvic abscess and sepsis but doctors went on to later find out there’s something more, cancer.
The mother of two young sons had developed a tumor that grew and spread, going from a treatable stage 2, into a fatal stage four.
Posted by Nicola Allen on Thursday, May 5, 2016
She was down to two options, either she accepts her fate and sorts out her affairs or she finds other options.
Being the women she is, she wasn’t ready to quit. She started looking into alternative ways to treat her condition and came across a center in Istanbul called ChemoThemia that combined chemotherapy and heat treatments to break down the tumor.
She decided to try it and the results were immediately noticeable and outstanding.
But the grand treatments also came with a grand price tag.
Posted by Nicola Allen on Tuesday, January 31, 2017
The family has already spent over 100k on the treatments and don’t know if they will have enough to continue on with the treatment.
That’s when her ex-husband’s wife stepped in. Hearing about the story, the wife of her ex-husband decided to start an online crowd-fund to help the cause.
Her fundraising is on the site JUSTGIVING and it claims “The treatment in Turkey is going well and Niki can feel that the tumour which was visible in her abdomen is now greatly reduced.
” The fundraiser has raised around $32,000 but is still in need of help. Claire Hitchen, the wife of the ex-husband has been trying to help as much as she can, “I feel this is not an option, the boys need their Mum and she deserves the chance to watch them grow into men and have their own families” written on the fundraiser page.
Posted by Clare Hitchen on Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Thanks to Claire’s selfless kindness and the generosity of so many others, Nicola now has the chance to live to see her sons grow up and thrive.
There is no gift more beautiful than that!
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