Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor: Track Your Baby’s Vital Signs While They Sleep

Do you worry about your baby during the night? The Owlet Smart Sock 2 is perfect for you! It’s designed to let you monitor your baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels while they sleep.
With the sock attachment, it lets you track your baby’s oxygen levels and heart rate using clinically-proven pulse oximetry technology. If something is wrong, you’ll be notified on the corresponding smartphone app!
It comes with three sock sizes that can fit babies ages 0-18 months, and you can see your baby’s vital signs from anywhere! The sock connects to a base station that has a green glowing light. It uses lights and sounds to let you know when your baby’s heart rate or oxygen levels are too high or low.
With this technology, parents can sleep easier and have reduced anxiety knowing they’ll be informed if their baby’s vital signs go outside the presets. Plus, the socks are washable for easy cleaning and maintenance!
With the app, you can get real-time vitals anywhere, giving you peace of mind wherever you are!
Available Here.
Watch the demo down below!
Where To Buy
Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor