Super-Smart Toddler Gives Steve Harvey an Unforgettable Anatomy Lesson

If you loved Brielle’s lesson on the periodic table, you’ll get a kick out of her latest appearance!
The four year old recently made an appearance on the NBC show “Little Big Shots,” and I don’t think the audience realized what was coming when she started to teach Steve Harvey about the human body.
Steve asks her all kinds of questions about the different body parts, but when he gets to the pelvis area, he can’t stop laughing—and neither can the crowd!
If only my science classes in school were this funny!
Watch the hilarious lesson in the video down below!
Strange Rat Washes Itself Like a Human in the Sink—Watch the Bizarre Video Here
Rats do some strange things, but this rat has them beat. In a video taken in a bathroom sink in Peru, a rat appears to be showering and lathering up like a human.
Hummingbird Sits Down Perplexed After Trying to Feed Off a Guy’s Hat
Animals are so cute—especially when they find things they’ve never seen before!
Ugly Christmas Sweater Winner Plays Carol of the Bells
Watch this girl play Carol of the Bells after winning an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest!