Tag: Touching

Dora Reunited With Her Family After Being Missing for 7 Months

Dora is a beautiful German Shepherd with a very sad story. She was missing for seven months. Her family searched the whole time, even after people told them Dora was probably dead. They never found her. In a miracle, someone found Dora and handed her over to the shelter thinking she was a stray. Pretty soon, someone very special to Dora showed up at the shelter. Comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest Strange Rat Washes Itself Like a Human in the Sink—Watch the Bizarre Video Here Rats do some strange things, but this rat has them beat. In a video taken...

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Man Breaks Down On His Way To A Funeral, When A Mechanic Saves The Day And Changes Him

Travelling to a funeral can be the longest drive of anyone’s life. It’s even worse if you’re having car problems at the same time. That’s exactly what happened to Todd Steinkamp. Thankfully, there are people in the world who look for opportunities to show kindness. One such man found Todd and helped him get to the chapel. What happened? Read Todd’s perspective. "Let me tell you the story of Glenn. I had to go to a funeral yesterday up by Green Bay, Wisconsin. As it was a long… Posted by Love What Matters on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Comments Facebook...

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Traffic Cop Sends Woman A Condolence Card After Her Father Passes Away

Losing a loved one is probably the toughest thing one can experience. It’s even worse if you happen to get pulled over by the cops shortly after. Gina Penny-Headen had just lost her father when she got a speeding ticket. When the officer realized what was happening in her life, he made a gallant act. via Gina Penny-Headen The buck didn’t stop there. Shortly after her encounter with the kind officer, she received something in the mail. Here is her story: via Gina Penny-Headen via Gina Penny-Headen Last week I was pulled over for going 65 in a 55....

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Boaters Rescue Drowning Raccoon After Hearing Its Cries For Help

Out for a relaxing boat ride on Independence Day weekend quickly took a turn. These guys needed to spring into action to save a life. They found a raccoon clinging to life right near their boat, so they threw it a life preserver. It had been crying for hours when they finally rescued it. Here’s the story in their own words: “During the early morning hours of July 4, 2016, one of our crew aboard our boat heard a yelping sound and at first it sounded like birds overhead,” writes Peter, one of the boaters, on YouTube. “Several hours...

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Mom Writes Heartfelt Letter To Her Mother-In-Law After Difficult Years

As a mom, it can be difficult to establish boundaries with grandparents. All they want to do is spoil the kids, but there are lines that need to be kept. One mother spent all her time and energy resenting her mother-in-law for how much she gave the grandkids. She was annoyed until one day, something changed. It took a sad event to open her eyes fully to what this sweet grandmother was doing.   Oh Mother (in-law), I Miss You “You always stole my thunder. You gave them everything they wanted. You never said no… Posted by Love What...

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