UrmO: The Lightweight Vehicle for Urban Dwellers

Do you hate travelling in big cities? The UrmO is perfect for you! It’s designed to make commuting in cities a pleasure, not a pain.
It only weighs 14 pounds, making it lightweight for easy travel. Go from the bus or train to the streets in no time! Commuting will be easier on your body—save your energy for at home or at the office, not on the streets.
The UrmO can go up to 10 miles per hour, and it can fold and unfold in just two seconds! Don’t waste time getting the UrmO ready—you can get going in no time at all. You can travel 13 miles on a single charge, and it only takes two hours to get to a full charge.
Slip it into your backpack or briefcase when you’re at school or work, and slide it out when you’re ready to go home. Plus, it has AI based steering to make precise and sharp turns no matter where you’re going!
Where To Buy
UrmO Electric Vehicle