Woman Visits Her Relatives at Marine Cemetery, Then the Soldiers Present Give Her the Send-Off She Deserves

People with loved ones in the armed forces make sacrifices most people can only imagine. For some, their loved ones have paid the ultimate price.
However, this elderly woman has paid this price many times over. One day, she decided to visit her lost loved ones one last time before she physically couldn’t.
But when the middle-aged Marine with her learned her sad truth, he decided he had to give her the farewell she deserved.
Orphaned “Justin Beaver” Can’t Go Live in the Wild, So He Makes Dams from His Toys
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Football Coach Hailed as Hero After Shielding Students During Florida School Shooting
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First Breath After Lung Transplant… the things we take for granted.
After suffering from Cystic Fibrosis her entire life, Jennifer is taking her first unobstructed breath after her lung transplant.
Woman Passes Away from Bacteria After Eating Raw Oysters—Here’s What to Watch Out For
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