7 Year-Old Dresses Up as “Exhausted Mother” for Halloween

With Halloween costumes and treats starting to come out in the supermarkets, it’s maybe time to think of a costume. You don’t want to begin searching a couple days before the big day and end up wearing a lame costume at the halloween office party.

Here’s an idea, this little girl had already jumped the gun and thought to dress up as a costume much different from girls her age. 7 year-old Lainie of Muncie, Indiana, passed on dressing up as a princess and picked her favourite superhero, her mother.

😂😂😂😂😂 my friends daughter dressed up as a mom for halloween. Notice the spit up and dark circles under her eyes. 😂😂😂😂 Im…

Posted by Rachael Fansler Beachy on Saturday, October 29, 2016

“Exhausted Mother” was the name given to her homemade costume that has her wearing an old ratted sweater, dark eye circles, a child in one arm and the other wrapped around her leg.

Her mother is a mother of 5 and being that Lainie is the oldest, she often feels the need to help around. She feels the stress of her mother and decided to showcase how hard mothers really work!

With the oldest already helping out the family, it’s a not surprising their family is so lively!

Posted by Sam Jess on Thursday, November 26, 2015


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