Bride Surprises Groom by Wearing a T-Rex Costume for His “First Look”

The wedding’s “first look” is a tradition that is powerful across the globe. Seeing a peek of your significant other before the big event down the aisle, is moving.

One couple who decided to continue this “first look” tradition is Elizabeth and Tom Gardner.

Their photographer got all the equipment in place and turned Tom around to get ready for the big moment.

Tom thinks his wife was going to approach in a beautiful, elegant dress but little did he know: she had a surprise for him.

Beth decided to dress in something that would leave her future husband in hysterics.

As soon as Tom turned around, he couldn’t help letting out a contagious laugh.

After a few minutes of laughing together, Beth asked “Are you mad that I did this?”

Of course he isn’t! There’s no way he would get upset at his to-be goofy, fun wife.

Watch their hilarious “first look” in the video below:


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