Dog Disappears On The Beach 5 Years Ago, Washes Up On The Shore After Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma displaced a lot of people and homes during its ravage in Florida, but never did anyone think it would bring long lost friends back together! As it so happens, Pete Mayher was reunited with one of his best friends that he’d lost 5 years ago: his now 14 year old dog Wizzer. How does a dog disappear for 5 years and wash back up on the beach to be reunited with his owner? Here at GoodGood we were just as puzzled and set out to find out!
Lee County Domestic Animal Services was brought an underweight yellow lab roughly 3 weeks ago that was found on the washed up on the beach, lying in a puddle of water. Luckily for everyone involved, Wizzer, the lab in question, was micro-chipped and the Animal Services staff was able to quickly reach out to Mayher to inquire about his lost dog.
Still kicking
Posted by Pete Mayher on Tuesday, September 19, 2017
“When animal services called me and she said we have Wizzer, I really couldn’t even talk I was so choked up.” said Mayher about the call. There was brief confusion given that he had his two dogs with him but once they brought up Wizzer’s name, the whole thing took a turn for the miraculous. Pete was in their offices within the hour, ecstatic to get to see his best friend again.
After got there, Mayher noticed Wizzer wasn’t in very good shape. “He couldn’t even lift his head. He had gone from 90 pounds down to 55 pounds.” Karen Fordiani, from the Lee County Domestic Animal Services, had this to say on the lab’s disappearance “Wizzer was probably kept by somebody the past five years. Wizzer wasn’t wandering the streets for the last five years.” Mayher agreed, and although he was greeted with this grim sight it didn’t stop him from bringing back home to reunite him with his family!
Posted by Pete Mayher on Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Three weeks later Wizzer has gained 15 pounds and is back to his old self again according to Mayher who couldn’t be happier about what the hurricane season brought him. “I know there’s people in rough shape without power or food or shelter, but for me, this was the best hurricane ever!” Using the platform and attention that this story has brought to him, Pete Mayher has been promoting the use of microchips so that everyone that may lose a beloved pet has the chance to be reunited again.
Wizzer even went national with his story, and he couldn’t hold back his excitement!
NBC interview on tomorrow
Posted by Pete Mayher on Tuesday, September 26, 2017
via NBC-2
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