ECOCUT Pro: Cut the Rubber Off Your Wiper Blades to Reuse Them

If you’re looking for a way to increase the lifespan of your windshield wipers, you’ve come to the right place. This little cutter helps give your wiper blades a brand new sharp edge to ensure they wipe your windshield without any smears.
It’s called the ECOCUT Pro.
To understand how it works, you have to understand how wiper blades begin smearing your windshield. It’s because the blades become worn over time through weather conditions, dirt and the remains of insects.
Using patented cutting technology, the ECOCUT Pro cuts the rubber part of your wiper blade precisely, to restore the wiper blade’s original ‘edged’ form. With a brand new sharp edge, the blade is able to wipe your windshield with no smears or marks.
It not only saves you from buying a new pair of wiper blades, but also saves you from having an unclear view while driving.
ECOCUT Pro has a small, compact design making it perfect to store in your car for whenever you may need to use it. A moist sponge is also provided for you to clean the wiper blades thoroughly before cutting the rubber precisely.
Perfect for those who hate having to buy new windshield wipers!
Available Here.
Watch the demo down below!
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