Here’s How To Never Get A Rash From Poison Ivy Again

Whenever you go outdoors or on a camping trip, you know to always avoid poison ivy. Not only does it cause extreme pain and itch, it also causes extreme discomfort.
Dr. Jim Brauker is a biomedical scientist that has studied skin inflammation for 25 years. With years of experience outdoors, Brauker has also had various experiences with poison ivy. From these years of experience, Brauker has developed a clever way to prevent developing poison ivy rashes.
According to Brauker, when you come in contact with a poisonous plant like poison ivy, you have to wash off the oil from your skin within 2 to 8 hours. The sooner, the better.
Washing the oil (called “urushiol”) is as simple as using soap, cold water, and a gentle cloth. It doesn’t really matter what brand of soap you use, just be sure to have a cloth to create friction to wipe the oil off.
Be careful not to use hot water, as hot water opens up your pores and would allow the urushiol to enter your system rather than washing it off.
Watch Dr. Brauker show this tip in the video below:
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