Mom Spends Months in Hospital with Sick Kid, Can’t Keep Quiet After Seeing Nurses

Cancer is just about the worst thing that can happen to someone, and when it goes after children it hurts like nothing else.
After noticing their little girl had difficulty breathing, Jonathan and Shelby had it checked out and the doctors assumed allergies. To everyone’s dismay, the situation only got worse to the point where she stopped breathing. An ambulance was quickly dispatched and before they knew it they were on their way to the hospital. Sadly, the news didn’t get any better from here. Doctors had found T-Cell Lymphoma had spread through her body.
Posted by Sophie The Brave on Wednesday, October 11, 2017
From then on the chemotherapy process began, with Sophie undergoing treatment after treatment with her mother constantly watching over her. Affecting her ability to eat, talk and walk, Shelby has had to put her life and self-care on hold for her baby girl. Throughout the entire experience, Shelby took notice of all the small acts that nurses would do for not only her daughter but all the sick kids and worrying parents in the ward.
That’s when she decided to post one of the most heart-warming and tear-jerking tribute post for these nurses on Facebook.
Dear Peds Nurses,
(And incredible nurse techs!)I see you. I sit on this couch all day long and, I see you. You try so…
Posted by Sophie The Brave on Tuesday, October 3, 2017
The post reads:
Posted by Shelby Watson Skiles on Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Now if that doesn’t have you in tears, we don’t know what will. We hope that this story has lightened things up, even just a little bit.
That even through the difficult times of having a child in intensive care, there’s somebody that comes in and helps put a smile on everyone’s face.
That these nurses will walk through the door with a smile no matter what.
That they are living these experiences with you, and that they will do everything in their power to make your life just a little bit easier through one the most challenging parts of your lives.
If you’d like to follow along Sophie’s journey, her mom has been posting all of her updates on her Facebook page “Sophie The Brave“.
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