The Most Evil Treats for People You Hate This Halloween

Halloween is almost here, and that means it’s time to start preparing goodies for the little ones! But there are those kids in your neighborhood no one likes—so what are you supposed to do?
Here are a ideas to prank everyone on Halloween, from your friends and family, to the annoying kids who won’t stop bugging you.
It'll soon be Halloween so time to prepare some yummy treats for the neighbourhood kids. Try dipping Brussels sprouts in chocolate for them.
— Mark Sparrow (@Markgsparrow) October 24, 2016
Mark Sparrow’s trick will make you the talk of the neighborhood! Dip your unwanted Brussels sprouts into chocolate to give loved ones and neighborhood kids a surprise they won’t soon forget.
Here’s another way to prank your friends—wrap your purple grapes in chocolate wrappers. You might think the color would be a dead giveaway, but when it’s covered in the wrapping, you can never tell the difference!
This is the ultimate Halloween treat prank—dip your onions into caramel. It looks just like caramel-covered apples, but your friends will have a . . . flavorful surprise when they take a bite!
Strange Rat Washes Itself Like a Human in the Sink—Watch the Bizarre Video Here
Rats do some strange things, but this rat has them beat. In a video taken in a bathroom sink in Peru, a rat appears to be showering and lathering up like a human.
Hummingbird Sits Down Perplexed After Trying to Feed Off a Guy’s Hat
Animals are so cute—especially when they find things they’ve never seen before!
Ugly Christmas Sweater Winner Plays Carol of the Bells
Watch this girl play Carol of the Bells after winning an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest!