Owner Asks Dog “What’s in Your Mouth”, Finds Out Guilty Dog Has Been Hoarding Tater Tots

It’s practically proven that if you drop your food while your dog is around, it’s probably long gone. Dogs just can’t help but steal your food whenever they have the chance to.
That’s why, when this dog owner noticed a few tater tots mysteriously vanished, she went straight to her dog Chase to find out if he was behind this mess.
When she asks him what he’s got in his mouth, you won’t believe how many tater tots he stashed away in there. LOL! At least he looks sorry.
Strange Rat Washes Itself Like a Human in the Sink—Watch the Bizarre Video Here
Rats do some strange things, but this rat has them beat. In a video taken in a bathroom sink in Peru, a rat appears to be showering and lathering up like a human.
Hummingbird Sits Down Perplexed After Trying to Feed Off a Guy’s Hat
Animals are so cute—especially when they find things they’ve never seen before!
Ugly Christmas Sweater Winner Plays Carol of the Bells
Watch this girl play Carol of the Bells after winning an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest!