Pick-Up Pools: Turn Your Pick-Up Truck into a Fun Pool

Do you wish you had a pool in your home, but almost every option is too expensive? Pick-Up Pools are perfect for you! They’re designed to install directly into your truck, giving you a quick and easy pool.
It’s a vinyl pool liner that gives you the feeling of a real pool, but for a fraction of the price! It can instantly transform the back of your pickup truck into a fun and functional above-ground pool that can travel with you anywhere.
The pools create a hugging effect around the exterior walls of your truck, eliminating the need for a tarp to collect excess water! Simply fill it with water and you have a pool ready to go for your next party.
Draining is easy—open the drain valve on the tailgate side and let the water pour out! They’re made of durable materials and built to last—your pool will be around for years to come. Plus, they come with a lifetime guarantee.
Where To Buy
Pick-Up Pools
Available in two sizes