Piglet Doesn’t Give Up on His Sick Friend, Brings Him Back to Health

If you ever need to know what true friendship looks like, just remember the story of a sick calf and his little pig buddy.
Kelly Nelder from Sugarshine FARM Sanctuary rescued Bunny the calf, who suffered from past abuse and health issues. That same day, Nelder took in three piglets from the same home—including Baby the pig.
via Facebook / Sugarshine FARM Sanctuary
One day when Bunny was getting ready for the day, Baby pushed her way to Bunny’s side and started snuggling him. And a beautiful friendship was born.
via Facebook / Sugarshine FARM Sanctuary
via Facebook / Sugarshine FARM Sanctuary
Even when Bunny caught pneumonia and slipped in and out of seizures, Baby pushed her little nose into his side and stayed with him until he miraculously recovered.
via Facebook / Sugarshine FARM Sanctuary
via Facebook / Sugarshine FARM Sanctuary
Bunny was on the edge of death. But no matter how sick he got and how much pain he was in, Baby stayed by his side and gave him the strength he needed to recover.
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