Scewo: The Stair-Climbing Wheelchair of the 21st Century

If you have mobility issues and rely on a wheelchair, Scewo is the perfect option! It’s designed to essentially eliminate barriers no matter where you go. No elevator? No problem.


Image courtesy of Scewo

The two big wheels let you glide around on flat ground with comfort and agility, and the tracks help you go up and down stairs safely and easily. Plus, the tracks are automated.


Image courtesy of Scewo

The user interface is minimal, but that doesn’t take away from its functionality. You can adjust virtually anything about the wheelchair from your seat, ensuring you’re as independent as possible.

Image courtesy of Scewo

It also has self-balancing technology—perfect for rotating on the spot and getting over curbs without getting stuck. The compact size can fit in any standard-sized doorway, and you can move easily within the indoor environment.

Image courtesy of Scewo

Image courtesy of Scewo

For more information, check out the company’s website here. To support the company, check out their crowdfunding campaign on Patreon here.

Watch the demo down below!
