Seconds-Old Baby Holds onto Mother’s Face Right After Birth, and the Video Is Beautiful

The immediate connection between mother and newborn baby is a heartwarming thing to witness, and this video is proof of that.

While childbirth is hard and painful, the moment you hold your child in your arms makes it all worthwhile.

Brenda Coêlho de Souza gave birth to her baby daughter Ágata Ribeiro Coêlho on May 5 in Brazil. As soon as the baby was placed in her arms, their bond was instantly secured.

The little girl reached out to grab her mama’s face, and she wouldn’t let go!

The whole video is precious, especially the mother’s reaction to her baby’s love.

“It was an incredible moment when my daughter hugged me for the first time,” she said.

Watch the full heartwarming video down below!


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