Tag: Natural

Pictures From Central Portugal Show Why Firefighters Don’t Get Enough Recognition For Their Work

When natural disasters occur, it’s devastating for everyone that’s involved. But this forest fire in Central Portugal is more than just a usual natural disaster. Central Portugal is seeing one of the worst tragedies in modern history. The nation has been experiencing many massive disastrous forest fires that have claimed over 60 lives. And although the 1700 firefighters are doing everything they can, the fires continue to rage. One image revealing exhausted firefighters is now going viral and once you take a look at it, it’s clear to see why. It perfectly captures how the firefighters are working day...

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10 Fantastic Car Cleaning Hacks to Keep Your Car Looking Brand New All the Time

via Dewhirst Mill No matter how hard you try to keep your car clean, it’s bound to get dirty at one point or another. This is due to dust accumulating or crumbs from those quick meals on the road. Whether it’s stains, crumbs, dust or anything else that gets your car dirty, this list will help keep your car clean without using the million car cleaning products out there that use nasty chemicals. Here’s 10 fantastic car cleaning hacks to keep your car looking brand new all the time: 1. Natural Carpet Cleaner Made With Vinegar And Baking Soda...

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